Notes + Photos: Stockholm Travel Massive – August 2014

Stockholm’s second Travel Massive was held on August 29, 2014 at the recently opened HTL Hotels Kungsgatan.

Stockholm Travel Massive - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

The event brought out roughly 20 participants for an evening of mingling, networking, and relaxing over drinks and appetizers (cold cuts, cheese, dips, chips, and more) provided by HTL Hotels. From travel bloggers and travel writers to editors, social media PR reps, and tourism boards, guests were a good mix from Stockholm’s travel industry.

Stockholm Travel Massive - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Travel Massive connects thousands of people around the world to meet, learn, and collaborate in the online travel industry. Currently held in over 40 cities, it is a world-wide community of locally organised meet ups for travel & tourism companies, travel bloggers, start-ups, and travel media to connect and share globally.

Our first Travel Massive event was organized by Lola Akinmade Åkerstrom (Chapter Leader) and Katja Presnal, and this time around, we’ve been fortunate to bring on two awesome Swedish travel bloggers – Sofia Zetterqvist and Annika Myrhe – who are now part of the Stockholm Travel Massive chapter team.

Our host, HTL Hotels Kungsgatan, opened its doors just this May and is a fresh innovative concept while sticking to its Scandinavian roots. From its central location to its customized digital experience for each guest, HTL Hotels is definitely on to something in terms of appealing to the next generation of travelers. For example, guests can actually check in on their way to the hotel and receive their room keys digitally on their smartphone.

Stockholm Travel Massive - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Having HTL Hotels host Stockholm Travel Massive was an excellent match and participants were able to take tours of the property and check out their minimalist style rooms.

Other Sponsors

A new concept we also incorporated into our second Travel Massive were goodie bags for participants to take home with them. This was due to many amazing sponsors who were interested in partnering with us in some way. From bags of chips and Coca-Cola’s latest debut drink to travel-related movies from Universal, travel containers and mini bags from Resia as well as magazines and travel reports from Ving, everyone left with a goodie bag.

Stockholm Travel Massive - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

So we’d love to specially thank the following sponsors – HTL HotelsUniversalSvenska Lantchips, Coca-ColaResia and Ving – for being a part of the event and making it memorable.

Stockholm Travel Massive - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

The Next Event

Here are links to other write-ups and photos from Stockholm Travel Massive – August 2014.

Stockholm Travel Massive - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Our next Stockholm Travel Massive is planned for January 2015 and we’ll share more details as we get closer to the date.

And as always, we’re looking for hosts and sponsors to partner with. Feedback from our sophomore event was great and we’re looking forward to doubling the size exponentially as we organize more meet-ups in Stockholm in the upcoming months.

Please follow our Facebook page – Stockholm Travel Massive – for updates, upcoming events, and more news about Travel Massive in Stockholm.

Please subscribe to our mailing list for latest news updates and resources.

Author: Lola A. Åkerström

Lola Akinmade Åkerström is an award-winning writer, photographer, and travel blogger, and is also the Founder/Editor-in-chief of Slow Travel Stockholm. Her photography is represented by National Geographic Creative. She tweets at @LolaAkinmade.

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